During the primary season, there was a lot of attention paid to the Pressley-Capuano race. That was understandable – how often is it that we have a competitive Congressional race in the state of Massachusetts, let alone a competitive primary? But since then, there has been little talk about Congressional races in Massachusetts, despite the…
Category: Massachusetts Politics
Advantage Baker
There are still advantages to being an incumbent, and they were on full display last night as Governor Charlie Baker and Democratic challenger Jay Gonzalez debated for the first time on WBZ. The advantages had little to do with the content of the debate, an informative back and forth between two nominees of substance. It…
Update on “Who exactly does the American Nurse’s Association represent”
A prominent ANA-MA member who thought she was anonymously trolling the comments section of my post about her organization (“Who exactly does the American Nurses Association represent?”) ended up providing compelling evidence to support the charge that her organization represents the interests of hospitals, nurse managers, and nurse educators, NOT working bedside nurses, and bolstering…
Who exactly does the American Nurses Association represent?
“Nurses unions are split on the initiative. The Massachusetts Nurses Association has endorsed it. The larger American Nurses Association opposes it.” This line in a recent news story about Senator Warren’s support of nurse staffing ratios and Question One caught my eye. To me, this was an incredibly counter-intuitive claim. Are nurse’s unions really “split”…
Rick Green Fumbles and Bumbles the Dark Money Question
Rick Green is doing something unusual. Wealthy individuals who run dark money schemes like Green’s Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance usually stay in hiding. Secrecy is the whole purpose of a dark money operation. Instead Green is running for Congress and thus having to answer questions about his furtive dark money front. It’s not going so well….
Why Rick Green is Not Like The Buddha; and Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance’s Allies
Politicians may not have the insight of Buddhist monks but is anyone less self-aware than Republican 3rd CD nominee Rick Green? He keeps announcing how he will protect democracy in the district, actively ignoring that his dark money front Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance’s mission is to emasculate democracy. A dark money shop like Mass Fiscal operates…
Democratic Primaries Showed the Route to Beating Baker
Charlie Baker is likely to win re-election this November, just like every elected Massachusetts governor who has sought re-election has in the last 34 years. Re-electing governors, regardless of party, is what Massachusetts voters do. However, Baker’s re-election isn’t a sure thing. There is a scenario wherein his chances could plummet. It’s a scenario that came…
In MA, progressive generational change (not ideological insurgency) is underway.
Massachusetts Democratic primary voters signaled on Tuesday that it’s time to start updating their office holders with younger (but not inexperienced) professional politicians. The Democratic establishment isn’t under attack in Massachusetts. It is being fortified for changing times as the next generation of skilled political practitioners begins to take its place in high office. The upset…
In defense of legislatures
The following is a guest post by UMass, Amherst political science professor Ray La Raja. Jeff Jacoby’s commentary, “Short Live the Legislature”, in The Boston Globe is a mix of flawed assumptions and hazardous conclusions about state legislatures. He perpetuates a harmful myth about the superiority of citizen legislators. Does anyone want a part-time surgeon repairing…
Primary Election Day 2018: Sorry, the Commonwealth Is Hungover
Summer is in the home-stretch. Winter in these parts is cruel and none of us get enough sunlight. Every New Englander who has the luxury is thus basking in the last ten days of summer before its unofficial end the Tuesday after Labor Day. Sharks be damned! Beach, cookouts, festivals, porches, lakes, and libations –…