On Valentine’s Day the Boston Herald pushed the “great replacement theory,” relying on an unreliable “report” from the Pioneer Institute and a defective “poll” commissioned by the dark money Mass Opportunity Alliance. The story was “Massachusetts economy crashes as state loses domestic residents, gains migrants: report” by Lance Reynolds. The lede was “A Boston-based think…
Category: Pioneer Institute
The Growing Koch Presence in Massachusetts
There is an essential piece in today’s Washington Post about the ReOpen America campaign, Inside the conservative networks backing anti-quarantine protests and no quote is more important for Massachusetts than this one from Professor Robert Brulle, who exposed the Koch Brothers funding of the climate denial industry: “The involvement of the Koch institutional apparatus in…
The Masks Roll In, The Masks Roll Out . . .
Two big stories greet us this morning in coronavirus politics and government. Let’s take a look at images of these stories and see what we can make of it: The masks roll in, the masks roll out. In this tradeoff, America only comes out 279 million masks down. As Heather Cox Richardson points out in…
Coronavirus Politics: Follow the Money
Politics doesn’t recede in times of crisis it accelerates, because crisis provides ideologues and interests the opportunity to advance their pet policy prescriptions. Just scrolling down Twitter this morning provides a sense of this. Read this retweet from that unmatched source of education information in Massachusetts, Tracy Novick: OMG, taxes on…
Pioneer Institute Throws Out Welcome Mat for Koch Funded Institute for Justice
It’s getting harder to keep track of the right wing groups operating in Massachusetts but when one interferes in the Green Line extension, dives into cosmetology, and pumps up school privatization, take notice. That’s the Institute for Justice, and when you’re an out of state libertarian law firm you need a friend; that would be…